An iPad or iPhone is incredibly handy for quick drawings in situ, making visual notes or even doing full scale paintings. The English artist, David Hockney, was one of the earliest - and certainly the most famous - adopters of this technology. Here in Australia Paul Connor has shown a number of his scaled up ipad drawings and I use it regularly for all of the above purposes.
Here are some examples:

Left: Euan at Gerroa Right: Kelton - the road in.
Above left: Flight Delay - London Above right: Cornflowers & cigarettes (Olley's house)
Above: Flight Delay - Abu Dhabi Above: 3 Figures (Olley's House)
Above left: Vic's Lounge Above right: The Salty Shepherd
Travel sketches
Above left: The Big Tin Can (A 380) Above right: Hot day to build an airport - Abu Dhabi
Above left: Narita Airport
Above right: Loading the Flying Kangaroo

Left: Aitutaki church & cemetery Right: Holiday kitchen

Left: The Paisley Shirt Right: Richard - meditating on the rug.